Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What can I give my dog to make him more comfortable?

My dog is being put to sleep on Wednesday and is in a lot of pain right now. She has no bladder or bowel control. I was considering giving her a darvocet to make her comfortable these last few days. Is this a good idea?
I really feel bad for you now.went through that last year with our lab of 14 years. All I was ever allowed to give my dog was asperin. I know tylenol (acetaminophin) will kill dogs. So maybe try the asperin.check the weight of your dog first with your vet so you know how much to lab got a whole adult asperin. And just give them lots of love and attention and just being there rubbing their head for them as they try to take a nap I'm sure will help them to feel much better aslo. Good luck through all of this..
Don't give your dog human medication w/out checking with your vet - the dosages vary from our dosages. Your vet should give you something for your dog's pain. ASK for it, I have found some vets to be clueless about a dog's pain. It can be very real. I had a dog recently with bone cancer - very painful and we worked together with my vet to find the proper pain meds to help.
If not, you might want to move up the date so that she doesn't suffer. I don't want to sound cruel, but don't keep her around in pain for your own reasons. Say your goodbyes and take her - and stay with her for the procedure.
honestly, dont give your doggie anything, let her go in peace, and if you give her something, it might hurt her or effect her weirdly, ask your vet for something "free sample" or small amount of a animal friendly product
Bufferin might help, but I agree with dobes. I know how hard it is to make the decision to do what you're going to be doing..I've been there more times than I want to remember. But she's counting on you to do right by her, which would be to ease her pain and suffering. Give your vet a call and see if you can't bring her in earlier. I'm afraid if you give her something that the doctor hasn't okayed, you could make her condition and suffering worse and I know that's not what you want to do.

I'm so sorry for your sadness during this time. Prayers to you and your dog.
My heart goes out to you and your dog. Can't the vet help her sooner, why does she have to suffer for a few more days? If she can't be crossed over to the other side any sooner, then ask the vet for a stronger pain med. Once again, I'm so sorry for both of you. I adore my dogs.
I am so sorry about your dog %26 what the two of you are going through. It is so sad how it always boils down to money. I know they are running a business but they couldn't bill you later so your poor puppy wouldn't have to suffer? She is very lucky to have an owner who cares so much about her.

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