Thursday, July 30, 2009

What causes my puppy to have such a sensitive stomach?

You've been given lots of good advice in here regarding feeding and the need for vaccinations.

Not knowing the age of the puppy, when it was weaned, how/where you got it and how long you've had it makes guessing the problem a bit tough, though.

I nearly lost a puppy to mange . turns out her mom had had it and passed it along to her pups. I mention this only because if adjusting your pup's diet and making sure that it's vaccinations are being kept up don't solve the problem, then maybe puppy inherited something from it's mom.

I had another puppy that developed worms . I dang near shrieked in horror when I saw them crawling around in his stools. I mention this because in hindsight, his tummy was extra sensitive for a few days prior to my discovery.

Best bet: If you're doing everything right and he doesn't get better , take him to the vet.

Best wishes to you and your pup.
Its food.It took me 3 months to find a good dog food with no crap!
If the puppy is still very's stomach might not be developed fully soit may have problemd digesting food.
puppies are still adjusting to not drinking mommie's milk, which is naturally what is best for puppies to drink at a young age. yet when they are about 6-8 weeks old they are weined from their mothers and are started on dry dog food. it can take up to 12 weeks for a puppy to fully get acclimated to its food. Make sure that he or she is eating the right kind of food (a puppy formula). never feed your puppy table scraps or human food. that is a definite no no! If he or she eats its food and continues to get sick, try consulting your vet about another brand of food that may be better for it. Good luck!
Can you give more details? Does it throw up every time it eats? How long has this been going on? How do you know it is just a sensitive stomach and is not sick, maybe with parvo.
not enough information on your part how long have you had your puppy 10 -12 days after bringing a new pup into your home a virus could have been brewing. was it vaccinated? needs 3 sets of vaccines 6,10,12 weeks was it wormed? dont know it needs to be wormed roundworm cause puppies to vomit so the worms can get into the lungs and finish thier life cycle. and people can get those worms wash your hands last but now least your pup should be on a good puppy diet and have plenty of fresh water see your veterinarian if vomiting persists more than a few hours any diarrhea good luck
I would have to agree its the food. A good puppy food is Eukanuba. If your feeding your dog canned food it can tear a puppies stomach up easily try dry dog food if so and if your puppy is a small type of breed put water in with the dry dog food to soften it up. Eukanuba can't be found in grocery stored so go to your nearest pet store you can usually find it there.
I have a one year old chihuahua and when i switched him from puppy food to adult food (same name brand to keep it simple) he started throwing up and was real sick for about a week. Finally figured out that he was over eating (where when food dish is not at his level they tend to eat alot of their food in one sitting --not over feeding). Now I have him on a special food diet (science diet i/d where you can only get from your vet b/c it has medicine in it. It is about $25 a 10/lb bag but worth him not being sick and we only go through about a bag every couple of months. I also bought him a dog dish that sat at his level.
This is labor intensive.
Ask you vet based on your dogs breed, size and projected growth how much lamb and rice it should be fed daily. Then based on the vets recommended amount, boil the lamb meat and prepare natural brown rice for your dog, feeding him this for four weeks should get his system on track and he鈥檒l then be ready for a commercial dog food. Go with what the vet recommends.

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