Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do I do about my Barking Dog?

Her name is Daisy, we've had her since she was old enhough to be weened. She's very loyal and very obediant, but when epopel come into the house she barks like mad. It's not really a problem exept it's very annoying. She's two years old, perfect health, and no past tramas. Please don't suggest a dog trainer, I need somthing I can do at home. We've tried punishment, distraction, and suclusion None of which work. I can deal with /alot/ of dog problems, but I can't seem to break her of this barking habit. Please only serious answers, and I don't believe in cruelty. Also, muzzles don't work so thats out of the question.
I've heard using static shock collars, spray bottles %26 muzzles. NO PEOPLE! Muzzles muffle a bark. Static shock collars add fear of barking even for protection purposes. And spray bottles? They only work for so long. The trick to the bottle is to not let the dog see you do it. If they do it causes a fear also.

Your first mistake was giving the dog a treat to stop. The dog sees barking as a reward now. Punishing the dog for barking doesnt fair to well either. In a dogs mind any attention is good attention. Secludeing her may not be working to well for you because your dog may suffer from slight seperation anxity.

Your best bet in your situation (not wanting to go to a trainer) is to ignore the dog. Socialize the dog more. By socializing, the dog will learn to be more accepting of people entering the home. Let people entering your home know not to look at the dog, especially in the eyes. This can be seen as a intimidation to the dog. Even though the dog will still bark at first, pay no attention to the barking when it happens. Eventually the dog will see that there is nothing in it for her to continue barking.

I hope this will help you. Good-Luck!!
Gently start the dog on a Muzzel. Everytime he/she starts in, then gently put a fitted muzzel on., while telling the dog, no , no. After so long remove the muzzel . Tell the dog, No Barks. Continue on , until the dog learns.
How about pig ears? I have 4 dogs, and whoo-ee do they bark or what! esspecially my yorky, oh and the phillips brazzilan, oh and the other two-yeah its hard to get them to stop! The best thing to do? Well get pig ears, or treats, ask the pet store even for the best treats? That will really get your pups quiet! You can also, Put peanut butter on the pig ear, Peanut butter is what they use at the vet a lot esspecially as treats for dogs-Intresting i know! well if you never try it - you never know! It just might work, it does with our doggies! Human food always gets a dog quiet! I mean its yummy! =]]! goodluck girlie!
My dog started barking uncontrolably so I bought a bark breaker shock collar.It worked like a charm no he only barks when something is around or a stanger comes.
well we have the same issues and I'm in the same boat.
so i asked around and a trainer at petsmart said to use a spray bottle with water. when she barks spray her, it doesn't hurt just shocks her. It helps with my dog but it doesn't stop it. she still will bark when they come in but now it's to a point where if she's See's me reaching for the bottle she runs, and has no time to bark.

so i say use the bottle she will learn not to bark
food isn't going to work all she's going to do is learn that when i bark i get food.
A collar that zaps her everytime she barks.
I know what you mean.we have a 2 yr old named Lacy, she does the same exact thing. We have learned that she HATES water, so we keep a water bottle around and when she starts to bark we show her the bottle, she usually stops. They also say that taking a old pepsi (or any other soda can) can and filling it with pennies (then tape it to keep the pennies in) and then sake it, it will make a loud noise and scare the dog. Find whatever she doesn't like and try to use it against her. Good luck!
My dog used to bark at people as they walked by the outside patio of my apartment. I used a spray bottle filled with water and when he barked I sprayed his face(one spray) with the water and said "No bark". It startled him and stopped his barking. It took only a few spritzes of the water to stop his barking. It truly did work for us, anyway. It is important that you spray him as he is barking. He will soon associate his bark with a spray in the face. I like this technique as it is harmless and all it does is get your doggie a little wet. Also, remember to praise him on those occasions when he is not barking at people. You could also try lowering your tone of voice raise the intensity of your voice and even pair your hand to signal stop with the word "no". You have to be CONSISTENT. That will take alot of discipline on your part. Remember you are in charge, not the doggie.
Dogs that bark do so for several reasons.
Fear, anxiety, excitement, and the lack of training.

Toy breeds are more prone to 'nervous barking' since everything appears to be a threat and they are just trying to make themselves look 'larger and more threatening'.

I don't believe punishment, seclusion work, but distraction CAN work if you use the right diversion.

If you expect company, EXERCISE your dog before company comes over. A tired dog is less likely to have alot of energy to burn on barking.

Don't involve the dog in the greeting process when company comes over. Have a friend 'visit and walk in the door, WITHOUT paying any attention to the dog at all. Eventually when your dog quiets down even if for just a few minutes REWARD the behavior with a 'good quiet' command. SHHH. is a good sound to use when the dog starts to barks and a POKE on the shoulder. Then go back to greeting the person at the door. A stern look can have

Desensitizing your dog to company can also work by just having your company 'come and go' several times in one visit. Ignoring the unwanted behavior and rewarding the quiet behavior.

Don't pay any attention to your dog as you come and go with your 'company' since even negative attention will provide your dog with the attention they are looking for.

I had two large dogs that LOVE to bark when I would come home. They would hear the garage door open and start HOWLING. They were excited that I was home, but I wanted them to be quiet before I entered the house. I would NOT open the garage door until they were quiet, (bring a book, it takes a while sometimes), but once they learned that I would NOT come inside until they were quiet, they lterally taught themselves to be 'quiet'.

Smaller dogs can be more of a challenge and if you are HOLDING the dog while they are barking it actually reinforces the behavior. Put your dog on a leash and when she/he first barks give a correct tug at the leash and say QUIET, or SHHH and then allow the person to come in the house.

If your dog is quiet, give a snack as a reward. Keep your dog on the leash until your dog is quiet consistantly. If off leash, they begin to bark, releash your dog so you can gently correct the dog when it barks. YOu need to be patient too as your dog learns.

It is possible to teach your dog that QUIET behavior is what you want with patience and the correct behavior on your part.

I wish you well.
Dreams and dreaming are an important part of our lives They are personal enrichment
person's subconscious mind Before a person starts to dream, there are certain cylces or stages that
a person goes through in their sleep This is when breathing is regular heart rate slows down
and blood pressure decreases They are still conscious Slowly the person drifts to
stage 2. During this stage, the person is still realzed and they do not
know what is going on in the outside surroundings. As the perosn falls
deeper into sleep, the person falls into stage 3 and 4. It is harder to wake
soemone up when they reached this stage.

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