Friday, July 31, 2009

what do they do for her?

my dog is slightly over weight and peanuts seem to be a good alternative to table scrap. she loves peanuts as much as any other treat, what are some up's and down's about giving her peanuts?
Peanuts are hard for a dogs stomach to digest and the oil isn't good for your dog either. However, it won't hurt the dog too much. Try to only give your dog 4-6 peanuts once every other day so your dog won't get sick.
Peanuts will give her the hershey squirts
It's a good cheap snack, but fattening. Try cooking some chicken or other meat and dicing it for treats. You can cook it until it's dry like jerky to make it last longer. Since dogs are carnivores, this would be better for her.
the peanuts that we would eat or the dog treat peanuts ? the ones that we eat are high in salt and can give her high chloesterol just all the lows that we have when eating them in more than just moderation . the dog treat peanuts are fine , but also in moderation , even though they are made for dogs doesnt mean that they good all the time
actually a better alternative to peanuts which could upset your dogs stomache, is peas many people have used that as an alternative to help thier dogs lose weight.
Peanuts can be fattening if they are doused with oil. Check the nutrition facts. It may have a lot of sodium. Just ask your vet about it. Bring a sample of the nutrition facts to your vet. When it doubt, ask the vet, I always say. I love dogs. :]]

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