I just got a puppy about 2 weeks ago. She was taken to the vet last week. The vet told my mom that my puppy has stomach worms. But exactly what do these worms look like? Also, it is very hard to make her take her deworming medicine. Any ideas?
Most puppies have intestinal worms.They are passed to the puppies during pregancy or through nursing from their mother. This is true even when puppies come from the most careful breeder.
Intestinal worms can affect your puppy's growth and development. Symptoms of worms can include a dull coat, a bloated tummy, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms typically look like long pieces of spaghetti. Contrary to popular belief, you will not see these worms in your dog's stool unless the infestation is severe. Tapeworms are long segmented worms. You may see tapeworm segments in your dogs stool - they look like big flat grains of rice.
If it is a liquid wormer, it should be fairly easy to squirt it into the corner of your dog's mouth. If it a pill, try squishing it into your pet's favorite food treat, like a piece of bread or cheese.
Good luck!
The worms kinda look like magots. You will know, just lift up her tail and if you see white things coming out of her butt, they are worms. I would put her on a deworming med. as soon as possible. If you have pills for a dewormer, just wrap it up in a piece of cheese. If you have a liquid, mix it into her food.
I don't know what they look like but if it's been two weeks and your dog still has them, take her to another vet.
As far as making her take meds, you have to force her to do it. Put it in food if it's a pill. If it's liquid, take an eye dropper and hold her mouth open and put it down her throat. You have no choice.
Im surprized that the vet didnt give you meds.I know that dogs have various types of worms but Iv never heard of stomach worms.All puppies have worms.Either find another vet or get meds at the store %26 follow directions! Weigh your dog by standing on the scale with it then deduct your weight.Mix it with a little bit of food.They usually will eat it right up.
go to the vet and they will give a bottle of medicine.
Depends on the kind is it hook worms? Round worms? Tape worms? You were not specific. The dog MUST take the meds or the worms will get worse and she will get very sick, maybe even die.
There is really no such worm as a "stomach" worm.Waht your vet was probably refering to is roundworms (ascarids).These worms are long white/off white worms like spaghetti. You may or may not see them.Often they are only detected by a feacal test.
Puppies need to be wormed often..2, 4, 6 %26 8 weeks of age and then periodically until they are a year old, then at least yearly after that (twice a year is better).
There are several types of worms common to dogs..roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms. The only ones that are usually visible are tapeworms, unless a dog/puppy is badly infested.
Tapeworms generally look like grains of rice in the poo, round worm are more like spaghetti with tapered ends. Usually a different medication for each, in bad cases i have seen dogs vomit up round worms when there is a large infestation. You can also ask if your vet could check a stool sample.
You more than likely won't see these worms. When we check for them we check for the eggs under the microscope. The worms live in the intestines, and shed the eggs in the feces. (That's why they took a poop sample) The only worms that you probably will see a lot of are tape worms. Tape worms are digested flea eggs, they swallow them while chewing or grooming. and they look like grains of rice.if you see these, you may want to make sure your pet is on a topical flea prevention (frontline, advantage, advantix). The only time you MAY see the worms that your vet was refering to is after she is dewormed. There are different kinds of deworming meds, if it's a liquid, open her mouth and squirt it down the hatch. If it's a pill, try putting it in a treat or a SMALL piece of cheese, or peanut butter. Make sure she is rechecked for worms again in 2-3 weeks, bc sometimes one shot doesn't get it.
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Oh my goodness, I just adopted a maltipoo Sunday 8 weeks old. She never had shots. I made an appointment for tomorrow which is Wednesday. Today I noticed she wasn't eating. Later she was trying to poop, I had to help her and I noticed long spaghetti type live worms coming out of her feces with a bit of diarrhea. I freaked out. I also have a 5 month old Shih tzu with all her shots. Cas she catch them or so I have to segregate them?