My pitbull destroys everything we give her, she destrots basketballs, little tires everything, i was wondering what could I give her that she could not chew to peices and have fun with.
i tie a rope in the tree a real thick one.and i also give them my old four wheeler tires. your loco cycle shop should have some foe free.they just chew through everything.
Try rope toys, Kongs, Edible chew toys, etc. Unfortunately some pets will just chew everything to pieces and you can't change that. Luckily, she seems to be having fun :)
try a bone
many dogs like to chew, this make getting lasting products for them difficult, Have you tryed The Kong product or just a hollow bone try stuffing them with other food, or chew items to make them last a little longer. this may help your problems. but as to finding the indistructable toy for your Pitbull you may never find one. by giving your Pit a reason other than destruction you can also help.
Try contacting a behavioralist or good trainer through your Veterianrian for additional assistance.
You can get some holloween props like skulls, bones, etc. If a prowler was to go into your yard and see the "body parts", and then the dog, you would probally have a funny story on your hands. God bless you!
Get some marrow bones. The marrow is good for your dog and the flavor sticks to the bone once the marrow is gone so it will keep your dog interested. Or try 'tire toys' or rubber frisbees. My German Shephard/Husky loves them.
We have a golden who is an insane chewer. She has to constantly have a rawhide bone to keep her occuppied. Those work well, because they're tasty enough that she'll chew them, but the big ones will still keep her occuppied for a while. She also has a nylabone, a plastic bone, that she ocassionally chews, but I'm guessing she doesn't like it as much because its plastic and doesn't have the rawhide's flavor appeal. We also got her a rubbery-bone thing, but she does not like that at all.
Other good things are kongs and TOUGH rope toys.
a bone or a chew-toy
KONG great chew toys
i give my dogs pig ears,they really really like them
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