Thursday, July 30, 2009

what causes UTI's in Female dogs and what can we use to cure?

My neighbors Dog Zoe has a UTI and was wondering wahat causes it and what to do if there is a home remedy!
I'm assuming that it could be the same in all animals, but bacteria gets on the hair around the opening where they go pee. My sister has to shave her male cat's area down there because he has so many problems with UTIs. Trim your dog's hair down there, or take it to a groomer who can shave the area. There is no home cure or remedy. Get it taken care of with antibiotics from the vet, then take your dog to the groomer regularly and make sure your dog gets plenty of water.
If you have ever had a UTI, you know they are VERY PAINFUL. There is no home remedy to cure it. She needs medication! Take her to the vet and get her some medication. She is in pain.
How in the world would she even know if her dog has a UTI, with out taking it to the vet? What signs and symptoms does a dog show with a UTI? A vet would recommend antibiotics, like for a human because it is caused by bacteria.
bacteria. no home remedies. the dog has to be taken to the vet to find out what kind of bacteria it is by doing a urinalysis and then the vet can prescribe the correct antibiotic that is not resistant to that bacteria. good luck

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