Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do flea bites look like?

My Pug named Sandy has fleas or has been bitten by fleas. She has the knots on her and I looked on some pages on the net and they said if a dog is allergic to flea bites, they get little knots and they turn red. One page said that were a flea bites, there will be spots that look like pepper. She also has the spots. Is there anything a vet can give her to help with the allergies? I have ordered the Frontine Spray and spray for the house if we have fleas in here. That won't come until sometime next week. The Frontline drops don't work, so what do I do until I get the spray to put on my dog and spray the house with?
If your dog is allergic to fleas, there may also be an allergic reaction to the flea products. You can get a lice comb, and comb her out. Dip the comb in a bowl of warm water with dish soap in it (put the soap in after the water, you don't want bubbles). The fleas out of the comb will go to the bottom of the bowl and drown (something about the dish soap).

As far as in the house, if you have carpet you can use plain iodized table salt. Sprinkle it in the carpet, leave for about 5 minutes, and vacuum up. The fleas will try to digest it and can't. Just make sure you get rid of the vacuum cleaner bag after you vacuum in case there are any living fleas in there.

Don't forget your yard. Sevin dust works real well for fleas and ticks outside, and won't hurt your dog.

Talk to your vet - he has access to products for the allergies, as well as flea and tick products that will work for an allergic dog.
fleas look alike so their bites do
the black spots are flea poop! eeeew, and frontline everything is garbage. advantage is amazing.. good luck. kill the fleas keep the dog:)
Better call the vet about the allergic reaction, in the meantime you could give her a flea bath, just get a flea shampoo and give her a scrub in the tub. If you have carpet, you can shake salt all over it, it will dehydrate any fleas that are hiding there. Vacuum really well first, so you can just leave the salt for a few days.
For the house you have to bomb the house with those fumigators so that all fleas and their eggs can die. For the dog get, for now, get a flea product that they sell in all stores, that you can put on the back of the neck and it last about a week, but remember you have to know how much the dog weights. OK? I get mine Advantage for fleas, and Interceptor flavor tabs for heart worm and both work. I also put a product called Sevin dust on the yard for when they got to the bathroom, that keeps fleas from attaching to the dog also. If you take your dog for a lot of walks you might need to put Advantage on more than once a month. Well I will stop now, I love animals and I keep talking and talking, (writing).Good luck.
p.s. your dog is not allergic to fleas he just has too many and they are sucking his or her blood, might want to check the dog for anemia. Just a thought.
Just bathing and combing the dog will help. Make sure you get yourself as well, just in case. There should be sprays meant for furniture and carpets. Don't forget to wash your dog's bedding now, and in a few days until you are sure you have killed them off. Check her again in a few weeks, and wash the bedding again as well as respraying within the time span the spray says. You won't get all the eggs this round, so there will be another hatching. If you get the good kind of flea treatment for your dog though, then it will stop them from being able to make more eggs that can hatch. Stay vigalant until you are sure you got them all, and there will be no more eggs laid that will hatch. Good luck.

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