Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What can i do?

There is a dog that keeps coming back to my house and it always whines when i sit there with my other dog barking at it. I took my dog away from the other dog. He was really nice so then i descided to name him Buddy. I saw that his eye was a little bit swollen but he was ok and he can still see through it. Buddy is a really nice dog and he's very friendly. But I want to keep him. Im 14 years old just to get things straight. My parents want to call Animal Control to come pick him up and put him in a shelter. But I dont have the guts to tell my parents that i want Buddy. He's really short, about 2 feet off the ground. What should I do?
Talk to them and see if they let you keep Buddy. Remember it's a big responsibility but VERY rewarding to keep a dog. If they don't let you keep him then I urge you to let them call animal control, while it may not be the best place for him to go.I'm sure it's better than being out in the streets. Maybe not even animal control, maybe you could do a little research and find the nearest humane society around you. I know a lot of them have long waiting lists, so maybe you could even work something out with your parents to where they would let you keep him at least for as long as it takes the humane society to take him in.the humane society does not euthanize animals.
Good luck! :-( It makes me sooo sad to hear about homeless animals..maybe you could feed him.
have a talk with your parents,maybe they'll be good and let you have Buddy
Well, he probably comes to your house because he is being mistreated at home and he feels love from you and your dog. Do you know where the dog lives? If you don't I recommend you keep the dog in where yours is until you can find him a home. If his eye was swollen this may be a animal abuse situation. Take him to a human society and let them know the situation. If there is phisical signs of abuse, then they will take good care of him. I defienantly would not let him back out to go back home.

If you tell your parents that he was abused this may talk them into it, but reguardless, you do not by any means need to let him back out or call animal control. If you do this you take a chance of the dog being put to sleep. All animal control systems do it. If you can't keep him take him to a animal refuge center!
bring him to petco or if that doesn't work bring him to the local humain socity they will take him and when it comes time he will find a good home or if all that fils go to your local rec center ( or whereever they make the local newspaper and put in a add for lost dog no tag up for addoption come to.. or call to. or put up sign all over your neighbothood
Let me tell you that you have a BIG HEART!!
Tell your parents you really want buddy, but so they feel safer tell them you will get him checked out by the vet, and buy any supplies on your own. I know this is a pain but it does work. I know! The only way you will get to keep buddy is to tell your parents. 1 easy way to tell them without facing them is e-mailing them what you posted here but with a little of fluff, and they can start thinking about it, then later that day casually bring it up. good luck!
In order to keep the dog you will have to discuss it with your parents.
You can see if they will let you keep him on a trial bases to show them that you can take responsibility of him. If you plan it carefullly and think ahead on the questions that they will ask, they might let you keep him but be prepared to hear the answer No too.
I would tell your parents how much it would mean to you if you could keep Buddy. As you know from having another dog, they are a big responsibility. Do you care for the dog you have now, or does mom and dad end up doing most of it themselves. You have yo be responsible for one dog before they will let you have another.
I think you are one sweet kid! Your little "Buddy" may have an eye infection, cherry eye or something else. He needs care darling, so unless you or your parents are up for caring for him, he might be better off finding a forever home at the local shelter. But only one way to find out if you can and that is too ask your parents if you and your family can take on this "Buddy". Think about what they will say (whose going to take care of the dog, whose going to be responsible fgor walking it? Feeding it? etc.) and be ready with answers. Maybe if your parents know your feelings, and they think you are responsible, they might say yes. Only way to find out, is to ask! But be prepared that the answer might be no, maybe you can look after "Buddy" till he finds a new home, instead of going to the shelter, maybe you can care for him till you find him a home. Just some ideas. I hope you get your wish and I think you are one mighty nice kid to have sucha big heart to be caring about a stray! God bless!
You should just tell them you want to keep him. Because if you never ask you never know if they would say yes. and besides if you do get to keep him you better take him to the vet right away for that eye and to get him shots. well tell them before they call the shelter. good luck

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