Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What can I do to stop my dog's excessive barking?

I have my first dog. He's a german shepherd/lab/chow mix. He's been 1 years old since sep. 29 . We have got him neutered, knowing that it will calm his hyperactivity and make him easier to train. We adopted him so I don't know what he's been through in the past. He used to bark at people out of fear. Now he goes outside with his ears stickin up, lookin for someone to bark at. If he finds someone, he runs toward them and starts barking at them. I can't stop him from barking unless I grab him by the collar and bring him back in the house. We are management in a four story indoor motel, so we live there and we live on the highway. I let my dogs use the bathroom and if he's sees someone on the sidewalk and barks at him, we get complaints sometimes. How can I train him to refrain from excessive barking?
How about doing something besides just hauling him away?

Chows were bred as guard dogs - to alert to threats ans intruders. So were GDS. Labs are just oblivious unless you force them to pay attention.

Try the word NO - works wonders for all sorts of things once the dog understands that NO means stop whatever you are doing.

When he barks, go and and get a firm grip on his collar/scruff of neck. Put your hand over and around his muzzle and, in a calm reassuring voice, tell him "Okay, thank you, now hush." If he try to keeps barking, tell him "NO" in a hash stern voice and squeeze his muzzle. If he still keeps trying to bark, squeeze the side of the muzzle - the skin- into the side of his mouth against his teeth and repeat NO. (Use a deep voice - don't let your voice go up, make it go down.) You don't quit until he does. The minute he quits, lots and lots of praise in happy voice with hugs and pets and tummy rubs.

If he flat ignores you, pin him to the ground with one hand and your other hand on his muzzle , lean over him and roar NO.

Do this EVERY SINGLE TIME he barks when you want him to stop. Keep doing it until the associates "Okay, thank you" or "hush" with the concept he is to stop barking. (After all, you would want him to bark if someone was trying to break in the house, yes?)

Also, take him to some obedience classes no matter what his age if he are over 6 months. You get a nicer pet, he is more comfortable with the world and less fearful and inclined to bark at everything and he gets the habit of obeying
Say "BAD DOG!" and make him drink Sierra Mist.
Take him on long walks every day. At least a mile in the morning and evening too.
Shoot it. Put it out of your neighbors misery. You must have some pissed off neighbors, but no matter since it's all about you.
he's young, and confused. give him some time to be familiar with his surroundings, and most of all. give him lots of attention. when he barks, its his way of protecting you, and establishing his territory. you'll never have a better, and more devoted friend. the learning is just begun. he for you , and you for him. be patient. you only reep what you soe. above all. show that you are in charge. not him. use strong and repeated affirming words, like no. and good boy. never use bad dog. he'll respect you more, know his role. its all a reflection of your up-bringing for him. be strong,firm , and loving. good luck.
What this dog is doing is protecting its territory and his family. But what it doesn't know is when to do it. German Shepard's and Chows have a natural protective instinct and will sometimes bark at inappropriate times either because someone is walking to close to their territory. If he is just barking at someone walking by on the other side of the fence than let him. He is doing what comes natural and as long as he can't get out of the fence to bite them? No harm done. What you should be concerned with is when you are taking him for a walk is he going to bolt away from you and bite the neighbor while there working in the little flower garden? That would be a problem. Its clear that you have a protective family dog . But not a controlled or obedient one. And that is a danger to the general public and a liability for you. Get him into obedience classes and it will teach him some manners and control. And will teach you how to handle him if he does act in an aggressive manner when its not necessary. Most important it will teach him that you are the boss and not him and when you command him to stop barking weather its through the fence or anywhere he will obey. And he also will be more social with other people and other dogs. This is what is most likely his peoblem. You have not socialized him properly and he is barking because he is seeing other humans other than your family as enterlopers. Try this and you will have a calmer and and less stressed out dog. Promise

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