Wednesday, July 29, 2009

what can i do to keep my dog from peeing in the house?

i have tried the housebreaking pads, but he refuses to even go into the room when one is on the floor. it's getting out of hand.
Has something changed in the last 2 months? It may be a condition brought about by some kind of anxiety or nervousness on the part of the dog. You will definitely have to make this a priority and take the time to 're-train' the dog as if you are starting from scratch. But more importantly, I would look for what may be effecting the dog physically. Are you staying away longer? Is there a new person visiting your home? Did another dog move in near you? Have you left him with relatives for a long time? It is important to reinforce your love and affection for him during this time. Don't get mad at him. When you find a 'puddle' call the dog's attention to it, shake a metal can that you have prepared (fill it with screws and bolts %26 duct tape lid on securely) and say loudly and firmly, "NO, BAD DOG!" They HATE the noise and this lets them know they have done something REALLY bad. But don't withhold love and affection, immediately take him outside and say your 'Go potty' phrase and pet him %26 encourage him to 'go potty outside'. Also, you may have to resort to limiting water intake for him in the hours prior to your going to work, etc.
what type of dog? how old??

some dogs are very difficult to train.
to house train a dog takes time and patience. Every two hours of taking outside is what I recommend. Always use the same words(got to go out..go potty,etc) and always take the dog to the same area to go. Don't forget to reward for good behavior
take him out every 15 minutes especially after he eats and if if does anthing praise praise praise and give him a cookie
Some dogs are more difficult to train. You don't say what breed or how old he/she is?

My Maltese was trained to the pads when I got him as a puppy. He's eight months old now. He misses the pad some times, but for the most part he goes on. He doesn't like to go out when it is raining or real cold. I think the pads are a great idea.

Have you tried the puppy litter? If the dog is going to be medium or large train him to go outside and forget the pads or litter. I just find it much easier with the small guys not to.

I just read what you added to your question. There is something wrong with your dog to do that. Either it is an emotional trauma that happened to him or he is physically ill. Dogs at eighteen months just don't stop being housebroke. What do you think it could be??!!
Puppy pads can sometimes lead dogs to use the bathroom in the house bc of the feel of the pad and your carpet. If you want them to go outside, don't use puppy pads. Try crate training. When you aren't playing with him, or keeping a CLOSE eye on him, put him in a small crate (enough room to stand up, turn around, and maybe a toy) When you are ready to let them out, take them outside to the same area, use the same word (tee tee, potty, tinkle, etc). And they will start to associate. Also try a feeding schedule (am%26pm) and don't free feed. Take them out after eating and after playing. If he's not neutered, that could affect things too, bc he's marking. Make sure you use positive reinforcemet, try giving praise/treats when he does right. Hope this helps.
house works.

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