Friday, May 8, 2009

What can I do for my chihuahua he acts like he has a pulled muscle in his neck. He crys when he turns to the L

He just started acting funny this evening. He holds his head sideways and crys out like he is in pain when he turns quick to the left and starts shaking. Anyone know what it could be? Or what I could give him for pain reg asprin maybe?
Don't give him aspirin.dogs don't handle aspirin the way we do and you could easily hurt him more. Try a warm wash cloth, or warm fleece blanket and call your vet in the morning. He may have strained his neck and might need muscle relaxers etc. One of my Greyhounds actually strained his lower back right after we adopted him because he had fleas (we didn't know) and he kept trying to turn himself into a pretzel to scratch the base of his tail..scared me to death when I woke up one day to see his leg give out from underneath. We had to give him muscle relaxers and keep him quiet for about 10 days and he has been fine ever since. Good luck.hope your dog feels better soon.
See your vet ASAP! Go to a 24 hour pet hospital.
It's true! You must go to a vet. while you're at it don't touch him there and try not to hurt him.
Yes, Give him 1/2 an asprin, or a full baby asprin. Take him to the vet ASAP!
Baby aspirin. Was he playing , like running around and jumping. I was playing fetch with my dog and he slipped a disc. Take him to the vet . If it is something like that, they will give him medicine to keep him calm and relaxed so the disc can heal. Good luck
That's a potentially big freaking deal. If he's more than a couple of years old, I'd be highly suspicious of a ruptured cervical (neck) vertebral disc. It's incredibly painful, and can lead to paralysis.

A regular adult aspirin is enough to treat a 55-65# dog. I'm hoping your chihuahua is not quite that big. ;-)

Plus..if it IS an IVD (intervertebral disc) problem, aspirin is CONTRA-indicated, even at the correct dose. That means it will actually make the problem worse. That's because aspirin causes impaired platelet function. If he further injures himself, his blood won't clot properly if it starts bleeding around the disc, which can speed up the paralysis problem and cause lots of problems during surgical correction, if that becomes needed. NOT give aspirin in any dose whatsoever, until an IVD problem is ruled out.

If he's a puppy, it could be a malformed/luxated vertebral problem in the neck that is just now flaring up. Or it could be a fractured vertebra if someone accidentally stepped on him (easy to do with the teeny-weeny ones.) might not be anything but a 'pulled' muscle, too..or an ear infection.

Since the potential consequences of the first 3 scenarios are so severe (including death), however, I wouldn't take a chance on waiting til tomorrow if I were you. PLEASE take him in to an animal emergency clinic if your own DVM does not provide after-hours service. He's in pain, and needs appropriate medication. 45 minutes to an hour to get to an emergency clinic is not unreasonable if it will save his life or prevent paralysis.

If an emergency clinic is not within that distance, it is required by law (by most states' Veterinary Practice Acts) for your DVM to make arrangements to see his/her own emergencies whenever the office is closed. Call their regular number, and you should at least get a recording telling you how to reach whichever doctor is on call for that clinic.
My guess would be that he fell off of something and hurt his neck. As for the asprin, Dogs don't handle asprin like we do. It works much better on them than us. Make sure that it is asprin though because Ib and Advil will kill a dog! For a Chi I would only give him about 1/4 of a tab or 1/2 of a baby asprin. You need to check his temp and look for swelling. Taking him to a vet it the right thing to do but if you can't you can't. But I would do it as soon as you can.
I just took my chihuahua to the vet because he was exhibiting similar symptoms. He shakes and cries when we pick him up. His head tilts to one side and his head also twitches. We were referred to an Animal Hospital 45 minutes away and the dog went to the emergency room. He was exhibiting other symptoms like weak limbs and his little legs just started collapsing. He is now in the hospital overnight. They want to do an MRI and suspect it could be a disc in his back that is causing the problems. The estimate to do the MRI, give pain med's, etc. was $2,700! The operation, if this is the problem, will be another $3,000. The costs are rediculous, but we figure if it is something that can be cured we need to do what we can. Please email me if you want. We are currently waiting on the results. His shaking is pain I think so you should get him to the vet and keep him as still as you can. Email:
sacjedi397 at hotmail . com Good luck. I found a great article:

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